Melinda Gibson | Miss Titus Becomes A Regular Army Mac (artist edition)

Melinda Gibson | Miss Titus Becomes A Regular Army Mac (artist edition)
“Cleverly placing the images inside bound pages also creates a permeable, yet physical question of the viewer. That which is to destroy the pages in order to “see”, which at its base is what photography has come to be about: That of the forced spectacle.” Brad Feuerhelm
Melinda Gibson in collaboration with Kummer & Herrman produce a Zine from the visual source material of Brad Feuerhelm’s Archive collection. The resulting publication is a limited, handmade Zine that is both mysterious and clever witted in its design. You are encouraged to look, open, tear the very pages the images are printed on, revealing others hidden behind.
softcover | 46 pages | french fold, printed on both sides | each copy is unique, signed, dated and placed | foreword by Brad Feuerhelm | designed by Kummer & Herrman